Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Welcome to Java platform blog

Welcome to my java platform blog. You all think that why need to create and what is goal to writing this blog and why this blog name is java platform?. Let's me represent my through regarding this blog.

Continues working on Java, Blackberry and Android technologies think that there are too many tools, Plug-in, API available on java platform that make our java development easy but unfortunately some developer not aware of that tools or not knowing how to use this tools, Service. API, Plug-in etc.

This blog help full for new developer who just starting development on java also help full for experience developer that know new tools and API available open source use that and reduce software development time.

Why this blog name is javaplat form because of java is not only language like C,  Payhton etc, Java is platform that also include J2EE, J2ME, Blackberry and now also Android. I want to write not only java language but want to write Blackberry and Android tools also.
Hope this blog help full developer.